Everyone needs sun protection, but some people are especially sensitive or even allergic to the sun. 


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ما أفضل مستحضر واقٍ من الشمس للبشرة الحساسة؟

قد تتسبب بعض المستحضرات الواقية من أشعة الشمس في حدوث شعور مزعج بالوخز على البشرة الحساسة. يجب اختيار مستحضرات الحماية من أشعة UVA-UVB ذات النطاق الواسع، والتي تم اختبارها على البشرة الأكثر حساسية، مثل مجموعة أنثيليوس من العلامة التجارية المتخصصة في البشرة الحساسة لاروش بوزيه. تشتمل كل منتجات أنثيليوس على مياه الينابيع الحرارية من لاروش بوزيه المضادة للالتهاب والمضادة للأكسدة بصورة طبيعية لتهدئة البشرة الحساسة.

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كيف يمكنني حماية بشرتي من أشعة الشمس؟

يشكّل التعرّض لأشعة الشمس خطر الإصابة بحروق الشمس بالإضافة إلى المخاطر طويلة الأمد المتمثّلة في علامات تقدم السن المبكّرة وسرطان الجلد. للحفاظ على الأمان عند التعرّض للشمس، يجب اللجوء إلى الظل في الفترة من 11 صباحًا إلى 3 مساءً، وارتداء قبعة وملابس واقية ونظارات شمسية. بالإضافة إلى تلك التدابير، يجب استعمال الواقي من أشعة الشمس UVA-UVB واسع النطاق بكمية وفيرة كل ساعتين على أي منطقة مكشوفة من الجلد.

هل كان هذا مفيدًا؟

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كيف يمكنني حماية بشرتي من أشعة الشمس بدون واقٍ من الشمس؟

يوصي أطباء الجلدية بارتداء القبعات والنظارات الشمسية والملابس الواقية، بالإضافة إلى اللجوء إلى الظل عندما تكون الشمس في أقوى صورة لها. ولكن واقي الشمس أساس إستراتيجيات الحماية من الشمس ولا يمكن إزالته من روتينك. تخضع واقيات الشمس أنثيليوس لاختبارات صارمة حتى على البشرة الأكثر حساسية لضمان السلامة التامة.

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This is called photosensitivity and can arise for a variety of reasons:

  • Sun allergy, or “polymorphous light eruption,” where the skin breaks out in annoyingly itchy red bumps following sun exposure;
  • Skin with a very fair phototype (skin tone), where the skin tends to burn with even mild sun exposure (red heads with freckles and blue eyes are particularly vulnerable)
  •  Certain ingredients in skincare products such as AHAs, retinol and benzoyl peroxide can make the skin ultra-sensitive to UV, resulting in rashes following exposure;
  • Some medications taken by mouth, especially tetracycline antibiotics and the acne drug isotretinoin (Accutane), can cause sudden swelling or irritation in response to sun exposure;
  • Skin with underlying problems such as eczema, acne or rosacea can be aggravated by the drying effect of the sun;
  • Some cancer treatments cause the skin to be more sensitive to sunlight. Exposure to ultraviolet (UV) radiation puts you at risk for very intense sunburns, so it is generally advised to avoid any sun exposure. You should be even more careful if you are undergoing radiation therapy, as chronic radiodermatitis may occur, in some cases even several years after your treatment.
  • Certain pre-existing medical conditions such as lupus can make skin photosensitive and break out in rashes following UV exposure.


In all cases of sun allergy or photosensitivity, whatever the cause, your buzzword is prevention and following a few simple steps can make all the difference.

Particularly in spring and summer, wear protective clothing (hat, long-sleeved shirt etc.). Always choose a broad-spectrum sunscreen with ideally an SPF of 50+ and apply it to any areas of exposed skin. Avoid exposure when the sun is at its strongest between 10 am and 4 pm.

In this subsection, you will find a comprehensive guide to sun allergy, also known as polymorphous light eruption or benign summer light eruption, with crucial tips on how to avoid those annoyingly itchy summer rashes.

You’ll also find useful information on photosensitising medications and how to care for your skin if you are taking them.

What are the consequences of
Sun exposure on unprotected skin?

Over-exposure to the sun can have short and long term negative or even life-threatening effects on your skin, whether your skin is dark or light. No matter what your skin-type, it’s always important to take the steps to protect it.

The sun is pleasant and has beneficial effects but over-exposure can cause problems. The first problem is sunburn: you have been out in the sun and didn’t think about using protection because there was a slight wind or it was cloudy… you didn’t feel that the UV rays were aggressive on the skin. Four hours later, you experience a severe reaction: redness and burning; we’ve all been there.It is a very uncomfortable situation which can be even worse if you are taking oral photo-sensitizing medication certain antibiotics or you have locally applied a photo-sensitizing product on joints. In the latter cases, the burning can be very severe and the effects will be immediate. The long-term effects are more irritating and serious. There are two types. The first is skin ageing which is caused by the accumulation of the sun’s rays over a lifetime. The second is skin cancer. There are two types of skin cancer. Firstly, carcinomas which are found in the areas that have been most exposed: the face, ears, scalp and back of the hands. It takes the form of a small sore that bleeds and can be treated if it is detected early enough. Carcinomas tend to appear in older patients. Melanoma is much more serious; this is the famous mole which is in fact not a mole but rather a brown spot that appears and changes very quickly and may trigger remote reactions that can be life threatening. It can occur very early in life: even young people may present with melanomas.The only way to treat it is to identify and remove it immediately. So we can say that the carcinogenic effects of UVB rays on the skin have long been known as we know that sunburn contributes to the development of cancer. We now also know that UVA rays are carcinogenic exacerbate skin ageing and can cause cancer in the long term; hence the risk of exposure to UVA rays for example when using tanning beds. It should also be pointed out that we do not all react in the same way when exposed to the sun.Fair skin types will never have natural protection from the sun; hence they will never be tanned and will never develop protection; it will always be necessary to use sun protection. Other skin types, which are darker may create a natural protection but you should be aware that both skin types need to be well protected initially. This is essential in order to avoid the aforementioned long-term effects.

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Snow, water and sand reflect UV rays*. Even in the shade, infants need to be protected from indirect exposure.



placeholder Sun allergy: Symptoms, causes, and how to deal with it


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The information displayed here is intended for general educational purposes only and should not in any case be a substitute for professional medical advice. You should always seek the advice of a qualified health provider with any medical question.