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What is it  used for ?
Phenoxyethanol is used to preserve products from being contaminated. It has antifungal properties
It prevents the contamination of products by microbes. It boosts the efficacy of other preservatives and decreases the total amount of preservatives needed in a product.
What is Phenoxyethanol  ?
Phenoxyethanol is a preservative used in some cosmetics to preserve product quality and ensure consumer safety by preventing the growth of microbes.
To identify it in our products, take a look at the ingredients list on packaging. It can be found under the name PHENOXYETHANOL.
Where does it  come from ?
In cosmetics, phenoxyethanol is of synthetic origin.
Why and how  do we use it ?
We use the optimal concentration of phenoxyethanol, which is below 1%, to ensure our products remain safe and well protected against microbes, so with no risk for the consumer.
As it is the case for all of our products, we always assess their quality and safety profile before they are placed on the market by internal and third party experts.
When it is present in our products, we label it clearly in the ingredients list on packaging.
We always inform our consumers in a transparent manner about the ingredients used in our products. We apply the strictest regulations with regards to labelling wherever our products are sold.
Why is it  questioned ?
Phenoxyethanol is accused of causing endocrine disruption and having effects on the blood and liver at extreme doses. Phenoxyethanol is also said to cause allergies though only very few cases have been observed.
The Facts:
- The SCCS* from the European Commission reviewed the full data set available and concluded that the use of phenoxyethanol as a preservative at a concentration level of 1% in cosmetic products is safe for all consumer targets.**
- The studies that stirred controversy were conducted under high doses: the equivalent of 120 bottles of cream applied to the skin every day.
- Skin allergies are very rare: 1 case out of 1,000,000 users.
*Scientific Committee for Consumer Safety.
**The French National Agency for Medicine and Health Products Safety (ANSM) alone recommended not using phenoxyethanol in wipes or diaper area products.

(Ipsos, TNS) entre novembre 2018 et juillet 2019
chez des dermatologues dans 43 pays représentant plus de 80 % du PIB mondial.